I Want to Be...
Posted by Matt
...a pastor someday. I want to use the talent God gave me--which is mainly the spiritual gift of running my mouth--to entertain, read, study, and preach to people.
I want to talk about Jesus and how we fit into Him for a living.
Who knows...maybe God's just crazy enough to tell me to help Him plant a church someday.
I've simply got to confess that, as an English teacher, the most important things I have to share with people don't end up on my test. While The Great Gatsby is important stuff, he stuff I want to talk to people about is ultimately and infinitely more important.
Pray for me...and pray for the people who end up with me in front of them, teaching. I honestly have no idea what God's timetable for this change in my vocation is, but all I know is that it's "not yet."